
Pro-you. Pro-me. Let's have a cuddle party and get bruises.

Monday, July 19, 2010

I feel like I'm starting the day horribly. 100.0 which is sad. I was hoping for atleast 3 days of 99 for a self-esteem boost. Then I eat 3 hard-boiled egg whites. PUKE! I didn't puke, but it makes me feel like puking. Oh yeah, did I mention that I stopped that? The potential dental damage mixing with no money or dental insurance=scared straight. My teeth were starting to chip, and I had to pay to get a couple of fillings put back in out of my poor, poor pocket. So no more of that stuff. Although, I'm tempted. Ugh.... seriously there is a voice inside my head. Mostly, I will say it's me. My own voice berating myself, but I get these moments. These times where it's a shrill, desperate voice. Sometimes, it's a soothing, approving voice. I've taken this bullshit concept of Ana and made it real. In my twisted, fucked up brain. Oh yeah, so plan. Plan for today is to maintain a constant state of hunger, but I will be nibbling here and there. Keep track of every nibble. :)

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